There has been an outpouring of notes and letters of encouragement from preachers and ministries across the country, NBBC members, as well as guests to our website.
We will start posting these notes of support as we receive them, and trust they will be an encouragement for you to read.
Good message this morning from Bro. Roberson. Thank you for filling my soul this morning!
Today January 24,2021, me and my wife were so touched by Preacher Keith Gomez preaching on how to discipline children . Since we were just a newly members of this church as I have said before truly all preachings were powerful,touching and convincing. We did regret that we were saved very very late.
I really enjoyed your series on fresh bread. It really made me think about whether or not I was being fed fresh bread daily.
I knew the few hours spent with Northwest weekly supplied fresh bread, but was it enough to sustain all week long. My daily reading helps, but I realize that what I miss is the fellowship of my brothers and sisters now that we live so far away.
On a lighter side, all those descriptions of baking bread, and how good it is, I have talked the wife into baking bread , like grandma used to do. I help, mostly with the butter and honey.
Stay strong and God bless
Brother Durovey
I haven't been to church in over a month now been searching out some things and been busy with family i miss the church and the people going to get back on track real soon pray for me please
We so appreciate the biblical joy and boldness we have seen in the people at Northwest Bible Baptist Church. Coming there during this time has increased our appreciation of the courageous and caring shepherding of the pastors and leaders. Thank you so much and may God bless you with fruitfulness for Christ's kingdom.