There has been an outpouring of notes and letters of encouragement from preachers and ministries across the country, NBBC members, as well as guests to our website.
We will start posting these notes of support as we receive them, and trust they will be an encouragement for you to read.
Hello Northwest,
I want to thank you church folks for praying for me.. This virus is a huge inconvenience but, all things work together for His Glory. I dislike not being in church, fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, my illness has prevented me from being in public and working. I want to thank you for showing the archives in where Preacher is preaching in all shapes and sizes. They have been a huge blessing and encouragement. Thank you God the shout hasn't died and the message is still the same after these years.
Love this church family,
Miss Patricia
Dearest Pastor Gomez,
I'm writing you to tell you that I am not happy in the situation that we are in, it's not the same being in church. I miss everybody, I miss all the college students, I miss the church buses. I never knew that I took life for granted and took Jesus for granted until I realize three weeks later. Pastor I'm hurting I do not know what else to do I've been praying and being in my Bible but sometimes it does not help, sometimes loneliness comes in, I try so hard not to be in a depression mood but I found myself crying asking God to make this all go away for we all could be in church.
I do miss you and I miss Mrs. Gomez and I miss everybody in the church I'm praying hoping one day this week that the governor will reopen the church so I could go back to church and feel whole and be full from God words.
So I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for everything that you do for the church and I pray that God continue to bless you pastor and your wife and family while we are on this quarantine. well church you guys have a good day a good week a blessed weekend hoping to see everybody soon
much love America Reyes
Thank you so much for the messages yesterday Preacher. You are right in everything you said. When you mentioned the protest that was going on yesterday it was on Randall Road in Algonquin. Steve and I were there after the service yesterday. Next protest we will let you know. It is so good to be out there with like minded people who care about our Country. God Bless you and Thank You for everything that you do.
Dear Pastor Gomez and staff,
Thank you for all of your prayers and all you have done to make our church great. Even during this time of government overreach our church marches on. We have enjoyed being visited by staff. Praying for day when we are all under one roof!
Love in Christ, The Regniers
Keep preaching! No compromise! Thank God for your bold stand during this pandemonium.