Soulwinning Clubs


Thursday 6:30 pm, Friday 9:30 am, Saturday 9:30 am

Whether you're new to Christianity or a long-time member, there's a place for you in the weekly soulwinning and visitation clubs.

What is Soulwinning?

  • Soulwinning is what we do to obey the biblical command to preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)

  • Soulwinning is what we do to follow the biblical example of reaching lost sinners with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, going door to door, person to person, carrying the good news that Jesus saves. (Acts 5:42)

  • Soulwinning is what we do when we realize how undeserving we are to be saved by the grace of God, so we share that same glorious gospel with everyone we can. (Eph. 2:8-9)

  • Soulwinning is what we do when we truly believe in an eternal Hell of fire and damnation. (Rev. 20:11-15)

  • Soulwinning is what we do when we understand that the "night cometh, when no man can work," and that the lives of men are "even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." (John 9:4, James 4:14)

  • Soulwinning is what we do when we look upon the lost with compassion, understanding if not me, then who? (Jude 1:22)

Are you involved with this work that is so close to the heart of God? There are soulwinning clubs that meet at all different times of the week to help facilitate opportunities for Christians to fulfill this great responsibility.

Weekly Services:

Sunday 9:45 am, 10:45 am, 6:00 pm | Wednesday 7:00 pm